Backpost 1: Building and Making: By Trial, Error, Elbow Grease, and Quick Learning

Title: Building and Making: By Trial, Error, Elbow Grease, and Quick Learning Date: 2012-09-17

This is The Building Experiment. A blog where I post articles, reactions, cool videos, resources for makers and hobbyists like myself, and all the cool projects (both complex and mundane) that I have and am working on.

Why The Building Experiment? I have always learned best by doing: by getting an idea, setting a goal, and then diving in and getting my hand dirty. If there is a question I have that I can't answer, I find someone or some article that can explain it to me. If I run into a problem I can't fix, I read, talk, listen, and tinker until I get an understanding and find a solution. The side effect? Quick learning that cements knowledge in a reality based foundation.

Have I burned out motors? Yes. Have I let the 'magic smoke' out of circuit boards? Absolutely. Have I understood the causes of the failures and come up with a solution to better the design? Every single time.

Through trial, error, a little bit of elbow grease, and a thirst for information and understanding, I am designing, making, and building to a better understanding of the world around me.

Happy building!



Backpost 2: The 4 Week Combat Robot Build Challenge: MowBo